View from the deck on a glorious morning in early June.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

At least the garlic is in!

This was originally written in 2006 for yahoo 360 and re-posted October 29, 2007 on Blog from the Kootenays, musings on Life, the Universe and Everything. Not that anyone cares, but I try to keep my records straight.

Gardening is such a boring topic for non-gardeners. So now all the garden blogs are going into one spot and from there I can have fun making the rounds with other gardeners. The picture is a sample of my 2009 garlic. It is still excellent and with no sign of sprouting in mid-January 2010.
This happens every year, alas.

I lose interest in gardening about mid October.
From April to September I am obsessed with the garden.

Every spring I swear that this time I will keep going in the fall and wake up from the snowy season with a lawn, or what passes for it, neatly mowed and raked, flowerbeds tidied up and ready to burst into glorious bloom, and the vegetable garden ready to be planted after a brief re-dig.
Oh, and I won't regain the weight that I lose every summer. Yeah, right. Who are we kidding.

This is Bear Woman's season. She figures it is time to slow down and fatten up. She wants to curl up with a pile of books or in front of the computer with a big pot of tea and a pile of carbs by her side. It doesn't have to be sweet, just nice and starchy. Buttered whole wheat toast with elderberry jelly from the farmers market will do it.
Bear Woman is not playing fair this year. I have developed a pain in my left heel, probably Plantar Fasciitis. It hurts to stand or walk, let alone work outside.

Fortunately I have a new ally. FlyLady is by my side, whispering her mantra: "You can do anything for 15 minutes!" So no matter what else does or doesn't get done, at least I got the garlic planted today.

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